Ashrita Bio Foundation


Waste & Environment Training and Certification Courses provide individuals with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage environmental issues. These courses cover topics such as environmental law, environmental impact assessment, Biodiversity, environmental management systems, HSE and environmental auditing., waste management, Recycling etc Upon completion of the course, individuals can receive a certification that demonstrates their expertise in the field. We have all the required facility and expertise to undertake training and certification programs. Upon completion of training a certification will be provided to the participant based on the qualifying marks in the exam conducted at the end of the training program.

Our Certified Training Programs & Certified Courses

Integrated Solid Waste Management for Local Government

Integration of Informal Sector in Solid Waste Management

Circular Economy

Certified Sustaiable Waste Management Training

E- Waste Management

Solid Waste Management

Bridging the Gap in Solid
Waste Management

Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management

The Waste Management Bussiness Model

Dumpsite Remediation & Landfill Management

Smart City

Zero Waste

Environmental Impact Assessment

Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries

Community Composting

Environmental Education & Community Enagement

Relevance of the EPR Capacity Building in India


Hazardous Waste

Waste Management Certification Course

Knowledge Transfer

  1. Understanding of environmental regulations and laws
  2.  Knowledge of environmental management systems
  3.  Ability to identify and assess environmental risks
  4.  Ability to develop and implement environmental management plans
  5.  Ability to monitor and report on environmental performance
  6. Ability to develop and implement environmental policies
  7. Knowledge of environmental impact assessment techniques
  8. Understanding of environmental auditing and compliance
  9. Knowledge of Waste Management Operations & Planning methods
  10. Ability to develop Waste Management Plans & Feasibility reports
  11. Ability to develop and implement environmental management strategies

Reasons to Choose AIMWR for Environment Management Courses

Benefits of Choosing AIWMR for Waste Management Training:

  • Certified Instructors: AIWMR has certified instructors & subject matter experts who are experts in their field and provide quality training.
  •  Boost Your Career: AIWMR provides training that can help you boost your career and gain the skills you need to succeed.
  • Customized Training Programs: AIWMR offers customized training programs that are tailored to meet your specific needs.
  • Destination Training: AIWMR offers destination training in India, Middle East & Africa.
  • Affordable Pricing: AIWMR offers affordable pricing for its training programs.
  • Unique Training Institute: AIWMR is one of the Unique training institutes in the State specialized in Waste Management
  • Flexible Dates: AIWMR offers flexible dates for its training programs.
  • Instructor-Led Online Training: AIWMR offers instructor-led online training for its courses.
  • Wide Range of Courses: AIWMR offers a wide range of courses in Waste Management.
  • Accredited Training: AIWMR provides accredited training that is recognized by the industry.
  • Focused Training: We limit only 15 participants per batch to pay better attention on our training program

Benefits of Taking Waste Management Certification Courses

  • Improved job prospects: According to a survey, 80% of employers prefer candidates with Waste certification as the industry is growing big.
  • Increased salary: On average, certified professionals earn 10% more than non-certified professionals.
  • Unique carer option: Waste Management is a unique subject chosen for a different career path
  • No Qualification: There is no specific eligibility or qualification to learn the course
  • Not complicated: Waste Management subject is not a rocket science and can easily understandable by a common man
  • Enhanced knowledge: Waste & Environment certification training provides a comprehensive understanding of environmental management principles.
  • Improved decision-making: Certified professionals are better equipped to make informed decisions related to Waste Management
  • Improved credibility: Certification provides a professional edge and enhances credibility in the eyes of employers and peers.
  • Improved career opportunities: Certified professionals are more likely to be promoted and have better job opportunities.

Our Training Strategy